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Cylinder stylus


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Although I've been programming for years, I've never had a need to qualify a cylinder stylus. In attempting to learn how, I've found the help section of Calypso totally useless and the instructions in the qualification manual not much better. I'm finding that I need to go in and manually alter the settings Calypso comes up with (all of which are WAY off). I'd like to know how others are qualifying their cylinder probes.
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The way I do mine is I treat it like a regular probe. I only use it on a few select edge points and I can always take the hits in the middle of the cyl probe so that's where I cal mine.

I have found if I move up or down on the Cyl probe it will change my results. So I keep it toward the middle. I have tried to use a master ring gauge to verify but I have issues with the probe not being 90 Deg to the ring. SO I usually use the qual sphere (known OD) and that has worked for me going on 5 yrs.

Again its the way I do it. Others may chime in and have other scenarios but that's mine...
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You will need to do a manual probe qualification on your reference sphere. The first point you take should be in the direction of the stylus shaft (the same you would do for a regular spherical stylus). Then touch three points around the equator of the reference sphere at one end of the cylinder stylus and then another three points at the other end of the stylus.


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  • 1 year later...
I'm having an issue with doing the manual probe qualification.
When in the Probing system qualification screen, I change the geometry to Cylinder.
That automatically puts it in Manual mode, and I don't have any other options.
If I click Qualify stylus, the stop light and probe system screen flash, but I don't get any prompts and if I try to start probing in the direction of the shaft I get the "Caution, stylus not qualified" window.

We're running Calypso 2016 version 6.2.28
Eclipse w/ RDS and TP20 probes
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By changing the Geometry to Cylinder you are telling it that your calibration geometry is a cylinder and not a sphere.

Just choose manual and start the calibration. First touch in the direction of the direction vector, the top of the MasterBall if straight down, to take the first point. Then proceed as shown in the diagram above.

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You can't use cylinders that don't have a ball end with XXT. I use them for sheet metal all the time when the dim are ± 2.0 to 5.0mm.
I don't like programming all the formulas or using the 3 point plane. Just faster to over travel the probe.
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