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PCM naming


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filePath = "T:\DMR\CMM Data\101228 Op-10_Rev_A\"+ getRecordHead("planid")+ getRecordHead("partnbinc")+".txt"

if fileExists(filePath) then // if it can't find the file then it will not error out.

if response == "Set-up"
copyFile(filePath,"T:\DMR\CMM Data\Setup\theresults.txt")
copyFile(filePath,"T:\DMR\CMM Data\Production\theresults.txt")
endif //inquireList

message("could not find file : " + filePath)
endif //fileExists
In the code above, why can't I re-name the text files from theresults.txt to 123456.txt?
I tried it, and Calypso won't allow it.
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Syntax is copyFile(from,to).

Looks like you have it the other way around. copyFile(to,from)

As is: take move to

So you end up with .txt's named "theresults".
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