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Data collection, graphics


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Hello everyone!
We recently updated Calypso 2018 on "CALYPSO 2018 Patch 6.6.2807" and installed the "ZEISS CALYPSO 2018 service pack (6.6.28)"
after that, when the data is compiled, all the characteristics that were measured are highlighted and graphically displayed, this slows down the process. Previously, before the update, this was not.
Used by PCM List!
How to disable it?
Всем привет!
Мы недавно обновили Калипсо 2018 на "CALYPSO 2018 Patch 6.6.2807" и поставили "ZEISS CALYPSO 2018 service pack (6.6.28)"
после этого когда происходит компиляция данных все характеристики которые были измерены выделяются и графически отображаются, это замедляет процесс. Раньше до обновления этого не было.
Используется PCM List!
Как это отключить?


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Hello Denis,

to less info what's going wrong.
The screen shot view a report. The characteristic list not coloured, so it looks like "not measured". ?

Is the running time the same as before update?
Takes only the ceration of the report the time?
Are there any other error? Left CALYPSO Info Windows?

Please send more info.
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Characteristics are painted
The measurement time has not changed, the report eversion too, but after the report is output, the selection process continues for several more minutes. Until Calypso displays all the marked features on the screen, the program freezes.
This is not the biggest program, I'm even afraid to guess how long it will take when we launch it.))

Windows 10
+ CALIPSO 2018service pack (6.6.28)
+ CALYPSO 2018 Patch 6.6.2807


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Hello Denis,
thanks for the short Video.
I can't realize what' going wrong.

If such takes place on my System:
1st - I deactive the all protocols, only "Default protocol" is active
2nd - I run "actual selection" by starting from top to Bottom Group by Group of charceteristics.
During this Job CMM is deactivated (Simulation).

Do you get a protocoll or CALYSPO is still in CNC mode?
Without protocol and PiWeb Protocol,
- connection to database could be brocken
- or if pdf-protocol is active, PiWeb could not create the pdf

Whitout more info, it's not possible to find the reason.

Good Luck
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Hello Denis,
could it be that the "End-Position" is the reason?

Please try the "Park-Position" from CNC menue to define a tarvel Position
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Thanks for the tip. But unfortunately, it didn’t help either.
It seems to me that this is not a variable function of this version of Calypso, and not very good for a large number of characteristics. At one of the operations, we have from about 2000. Piweb protocol is formed for 18 minutes and another 7 minutes have to wait when graphically displayed 😎
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Hello Denis,
my opinion, without a online.session to varify all Settings of the inspection and CALYPSO itself, it's a "tray and error" Job.

- Size of the inspection?
- Size of CAD model?
- Runs the program and storing actual local or on Network?
- PiWeb protocol added as new Output?
- Possibility to run the program on other Systems?

Next steps:
- online session by local ZEISS Support
- Onside support by local ZEISS application

I know the Transfer from CALYPSO to PiWeb is sometime very slow running huge programs on "older" CALYPSO revisions.

All CALYPSO and PiWeb Settings must be checked.
Downgrade could be a fast solution, but I prefer a long time variant by clarify the reasons.


Additional note
Please add the PCM Code - Transfer Variant (4 - 6 - ..) and Operation and your PiWeb template (.ptx) to this board to modify both according to yor requests.
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- Size of the inspection? - 2.27 GB
- Size of CAD model? - no
- Runs the program and storing actual local or on Network? - only locally
- PiWeb protocol added as new Output? - I do not understand the question. Previously worked in Calypso version 4.6, the PiWeb protocol has only recently begun to be used.
- Possibility to run the program on other Systems? - unfortunately there is no such opportunity.
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Hello Denis,

I've had contact to colleagues it corresponds with your info the Program runs before with CALYPSO 4.6.
The "old" Reports do not use a database in Background => in that case, much faster.

Somebody told me, the database at CALYPSO 2020 will be faster

Sorry for this bad info 😕

Enjoy 1st of May 😃

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