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Curve...who has a grasp of this?


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We have parts that get a developed bore shape in the center of a cylinder. We use curve to inspect it. Engineers give me the points that go 360 around this "developed bore" The guy here before me would bring these points in as "text deliminted" file. It comes from an excel spreadsheet. Every point is shown with X,Y. Its kinda hard to explain because I don't really know much about it. Has anyone done something like this before? Someone with a good knowledge of curve might be able to assist.

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If you are bringing in an txt file with the nominals you will need the X,Y,Z, and vector data.

Create a blank Curve - open it up - drop down where it says Nominal point - select Nominal Geometry Manipulations - Read nominal values - Select ASCII Files - hit the folder icon, and select the txt file.
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Richard, so if this is in an excel file, do I need to so a "save as"? What do I save it as that will be able to be pulled into Curve?
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I've never messed with files in Excel as they aren't natively supported.

Try copying and pasting everything into a blank notepad, and saving that as a .txt
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Go to file and do a save as and choose the drop down arrow and choose 'tab delimited'. It will then save as a txt file that can be read into curve. 164_3f1236affcff2317ffafaab047b4859c.jpg
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