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Calypso a Tool! Tool used wrong is wrong.


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Calypso has quarks it defiantly has quarks.
That is not the really problem users are the problem. I am so tired of getting results from company's that have untrained inspectors. This is by fare the biggest problem in are industry.
As Zeiss Calypso users lets be the best and ask if we don't know. There is always someone in this community that can help.
Every company that uses CMM needs to stop making it impossible for Inspectors from getting the tools they need. That is also a big problem with this industry most company's will spend a million on a mill but not 200 dollars on probes. Inspectors need training and tools. If a company is going to spend millions on Mills and Lathes then you need to spend 10,000 on your CMM room.
This is the crap you get from most company's.

I got this from a supplier 3 X True Position of 0.7 to -A-B-C-
Results from 3 parts
Results From CMM 0.69mm , 0.68mm , 0.68mm
Results From CMM 0.69mm , 0.66mm , 0.67mm
Results From CMM 0.68mm , 0.63mm , 0.67mm

This is a High speed Progressive Stamping Process that includes two welded parts. The position of one part to another part is .01mm to .05mm lets just start with the fact that they are with in .01 mm from being out of tolerance. But to hold a .01mm (0.000394)inch from part to part even fully machined from billet is amazing. But to hold that on a part that is welded and high speed Progressive Stamped. Is totally amazing! Either this company is completely amazing or they report is total BS. I am going on that there data is made up. I get this time and time again. I always get asked why is there data good and yours bad? I almost every time know what the answer is to that question but I always go back and look at the program and then verify the result. I never want to be the person contributing to the lack of trust with Inspection.

How else feels the same why?



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