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Export results in txt file


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I want my results to be exported into txt file. I have 4 pieces on my scanbox and 100+ dimensions on each piece. I have a script that import my txt data to excel (workflow from CMM). All measured data from Inspect must always be exported into the same txt file (txt file named by year or month). Measurement data for one piece in txt should be in one row, separated by ";", second piece next row... Is this possible in Gom Inspect? 

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  • 2 weeks later...

No suggestions... How do you manage to deal with a lot of measuring data daily? Do you do dimension checks, or you have your scanner only for surface comparison?


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you can either export directly from a table or via the menu: file -> export -> inspection -> CSV. I am not sure how exactly your text file is supposed to look though.


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  • 4 weeks later...

My txt file suppose to look like this:

Date(when the parts were made(not the date of measurement)/which part of the day);cavity;measurement1;measurement2;measurement3;measurement4;measurement5;measurement6

For one sampling (today/morning) on machine with 4 cavities:





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