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How to read in thickness reduction value in each step


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Hello wise men,

I'm trying to plot a true stress on a tentsile test. For that I create a section in width direction and I manage to plot the thickness reduction at each step.
Can anyone guide me how to read into a script the data of thickness reduction curve, so I could calculate the area of the specimen at each step?
Or maybe there is a better way to do it?



Any help or suggestion is welcomed.
Thank you!


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Hello Andrus,

is a user defined check on the thickness a solution for you? You can access the values of your check and do calculations with them. 



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  • 1 year later...

Dear Nanno,

This could be a solution. We have defined user element 'Point 1' that displays thickness reduction (as an example). But how could we access this value in user defined script? Below is a screenshot with an error message. Note that we can access the coordinate information of the specific point, but not the thickness_reduction what we actually need. Is there a way to query what these containers actually include, e.g. what is contained in gom.app.project.actual_elements['Point 1'] - all the objects inside this?


Mihkel & Andrus


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