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Pass/Fail Text on Report


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I know the easy answer is probably that I need PCM to do this, does anyone know of a way I can report a pass/fail result on the PiWeb Report?

I would like to have PiWeb report either "PASS" or "FAIL" for a particular characteristic depending on whether it is in or out of tolerance.
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Can be done with user_fields

Create new userfield like "u_status"
In PiWeb you can print it "${Qdb.Property("u_status")}"

In Calypso use ElementResult and write formula "setRecordHead("u_status", "PASS")"
You can create two elements and add condition to them: inStr(inspectionToleranceState(), "inTolerance") -> it says 0 for FAIL and 1 for PASS
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Yes but this will assess all the characteristics including eg. graphical elements (curve forms etc) also something that you don't want to see on your report . So not the greatest solution. "inspectionToleranceState" works globally and returns 0 or 1 from all the elements in characteristic group . Imagine if you want to measure something but avoid displaying it on your report. (eg size of the holes for your MMC modifier) and this fails. Then all your report will FAIL.
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