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How to put the name of a part in a multiparts project?


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I have this situation: 7 parts in a project and 7 pages (1 page/part) and I want to put the meshes' name in a label in each pages' report (using the keyoword Parts in report - actual representation(s)). But if this works in the first page, from the second page it doesn't works because it writes both the meshes: the mesh in the first part and the mesh in the second part. The same thing it happens for the following pages: in the last page (the 7) I have all the meshes I have in the project and not only the mesh I have in the 7th page. I hope I explained myself. How can I do?

Thank you very much!CopyQ.zUMXIH.thumb.png.62daddaca108a14e38f276aabf8de80e.pngCopyQ.OCvyXE.png.1d95a01d85e5ae0fdc2a9090345add1a.png

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Hello Marco,

Maybe a second part is remained visible in the background in the second report page. Try to show exclusively only the necessary elements.

Kind regards,


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