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8 part families, 15 parts per family


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I am creating a program for 8 part families with 15 part numbers per family. I would like to have a confirmation show up before the measurement launches to have the operator make sure the correct family and part number were selected. I'm having trouble getting either the syntax or order of events sorted out. Any suggestions?
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It would be easier to push you forward if we know what approach you've already gone for.

But generally, you probobilly have stored selected "families" and and "part number" in a varaible. Once both are defined, make simple dialog to confim, have the whole selection part in a repeat loop until confirmation is true.

psuedo code:
  chose family
  chose part
  are you shure
until are you sure == true
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Mind you I'm a PCM novice, but would this work? Not sure about how to do the
confirm? Just trying get involved in PCM discussion in hopes of learning more.

Part_Family = inquireList("Which part family would you like to run?", "12345_A", "12345_B")
selectCase Part_Family

case "12345_A"

case "12345_B"

Part_Number = inquireList("Which part number would you like to run?", "MXXX-01", "MXXX-02")
selectCase Part_Number

case "MXXX-01"

case "MXXX-02"
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Since we are talking about 120 different alternatives, Its less work to store all the options in a array. Then use a for-loop and build your inquires that way.
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Clarke, with so many variants, you need to 'filter' the options, which means that after selecting the part family, only the 15 part numbers belonging to that family are to be presented for selection. If you'd write all this in "clear text" like in your example, it would result in a huge and nearly unmanageable jungle of PCM statements.
By working with arrays you only need to write the 'skeltal structure' of those statements once, because you can then use variables to determine which array elements to access.That way your code stays small and simple.
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I got it all sorted out well enough to suit my needs. I start out with asking the operator to select a Part Family.

PF=inquireList("Part Family","722-140XX","722-145XX","722-240XX","722-245XX","722-340XX","722-345XX","722-440XX","722-445XX")

Then I start a Repeat statement.


Now comes the specific Part Number within the Part Family

if PF=="722-140XX"
PN=inquireList("Part Number","722-14010","722-14011","722-14012","722-14013","722-14014","722-14015","722-14016","722-14017","722-14018","722-14019","722-14020","722-14021","722-14022","722-14023","722-14024")
if PF=="722-145XX"
PN=inquireList("Part Number","722-14510","722-14511","722-14512","722-14513","722-14514","722-14515","722-14516","722-14517","722-14518","14519","14520","722-14521","722-14522","722-14523","722-14524")
if PF=="722-240XX"
PN=inquireList("Part Number","722-24010","722-24011","722-24012","722-24013","722-24014","722-24015","722-24016","722-24017","722-24018","722-24019","722-24020","722-24021","722-24022","722-24023","722-24024")
if PF=="722-245XX"
PN=inquireList("Part Number","722-24510","722-24511","722-24512","722-24513","722-24514","722-24515","722-24516","722-24517","722-24518","722-24519","722-24520","722-24521","722-24522","722-24523","722-24524")
if PF=="722-340XX"
PN=inquireList("Part Number","722-34010","722-34011","722-34012","722-34013","722-34014","722-34015","722-34016","722-34017","722-34018","722-34019","722-34020","722-34021","722-34022","722-34023","722-34024")
if PF=="722-345XX"
PN=inquireList("Part Number","722-34510","722-34511","722-34512","722-34513","722-34514","722-34515","722-34516","722-34517","722-34518","722-34519","722-34520","722-34521","722-34522","722-34523","722-34524")
if PF=="722-440XX"
PN=inquireList("Part Number","722-44010","722-44011","722-44012","722-44013","722-44014","722-44015","722-44016","722-44017","722-44018","722-44019","722-44020","722-44021","722-44022","722-44023","722-44024")
if PF=="722-445XX"
PN=inquireList("Part Number","722-44510","722-44511","722-44512","722-44513","722-44514","722-44515","722-44516","722-44517","722-44518","722-44519","722-44520","722-44521","722-44522","722-44523","722-44524")

Once that get's done now I create a variable called conf and use the confirm command to give it a value.

conf=(confirm("You have selected",PN," Is that the correct Part Number?"))

and end the repeat/until by asking for the conf variable to be True

until conf==True
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Eric, thanks for the Medal of Patience. It wasn't so bad really given my Neanderthal coding skills. Copy and Paste are essential tools. Get a section looking the way it needs to then Copy and Paste and edit what needs editing.
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Since you put in the work and did'nt excpect anyone else to do it for you.
For future reference, you can do something like this, it only takes ~4 minutes and is a lot less keyboard punching. And we "youngsters" wont call you a dinosaur... 😃
	famChoise=inquireList("Choose your part:", "722-140XX","722-145XX","722-240XX","722-245XX","722-340XX","722-345XX","722-440XX","722-445XX")
	for i = 10 to 24
	next i
until confirm("Sure you choise are correct?"+cr()+"Part Famly: "+famChoise+cr()+"Part no: "+compute("inquireList("+qm()+"Choose par no: "+qm()+","+subStr(part,2,part.size)+")")) == true
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