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Report question - generated by GOM 2020 vs generated by GOM 2021


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I'm not a big fan of the report pages and how they work. It is very confusing. Before I was hired we had all our reports hard coded with data. Then I used the ability of Python to push some critical data to the front page. This wasn't an easy task b/c I had to save it out as a package which I don't understand why.

My current problem is some of our reports at the front page of the report says 'Generated with GOM Software 2020' and others say 'Generated with GOM Software 2021'  Just above this statement is our company logo. The funny thing is the reports with 2020...on every page after that show 2021.

I spent 2 hours and made zero progress on how to change the company logo or the line directly underneath that says 'Generated with GOM Software 2022' 

any help is greatly appreciated.









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Hello Tim,

the logo and everything that you want to show on every page is defined be the report master. The text line is created by a keyword, which could be deleted on the report master as well.


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