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Incrimental Part Number - Excel


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We activate the Zeiss Characteristic.xlsx report in several of our programs.
One of these programs .xlsx report doesn't match the custom printout numbers
entered in the Incremental Part Number.
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Well... that sounds weird. Doesn't match, in what way?
Did someone change the cells in the upper portion? Does the cell location match?
I'm not too familiar with the macros; is it possible to copy and paste the cell from another sheet?
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I'm getting this complaint from another facility via e-mail and screen shots, so this is what I know so far. We use the Custom Printout and the Characteristic .xlxs. From Start Measurement - Report Header Data, the operator enters the Incremental Part
Number. He says that the incremental Part Number doesn't match what's on the Excel report?
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If the problem you are having with the incremental part number is just as it relates with Excel you need to do the following.
1st: You need to go to resources>Define Printout>Default printout/Warning Limit and at bottom of window you will see Excel Report.
It is here you insert the path to the template being used (see picture) 333_388325930118477bd6cf67636fe30dc3.jpg
These templates are located C:\Users\Public\Documents\Zeiss\CALYPSO\data\excel_report
2nd: The ReportINI.xls file should be embedded in Excel 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\office15\xlstart\ ReportINI.xls'
Now when the program is run, the Excel-printout is no longer grayed out and can be activated.
After run is completed 4 files are created. Characteristic.txt, Feature.txt, Header.txt feed the ReportINI.xls file which creates the final Excel Results file.
This is a sample of one of ours 333_57cc5fb564744268822ff9c649693ec9.xls
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Is it possible that there is some PCM coding in your postsettings that set Incremental Part Number to a variable?

It would look like something this:

SN=getRecordHead("A User Defined field like Serial Number")


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Oops, should have been more attentive when I first read your post.
What version of Calypso are you running? I remember reading or hearing from someone Calypso 2019 will no longer support Custom Printouts. They are really pushing for PiWeb to be the sole reporting entity.
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