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standard deviation 0.04mm


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While calibrating my probe in a particular angle, it showcase 0.04mm standard deviation.when I calibrated it in z plus direction it shows 0.0004mm deviation.Why does it happen, should I add counter weight in opposite direction??, It is a balancing problem??.


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0,04 mm for a stylus like that is not normal. Either the sensor is broken or the stylus (angle joint probably) is not properly tightened.

a VAST XT does not need a count weight for a stylus system like this. At least not to improve on a sigma of 0,04. Maybe to improve from 0,0004.

mount the stylus directly in the adapter plate cube instead of the angle joint and try what happens. If it still doesn't work it is probably something wrong with the machine and you need to contact Zeiss.
Also make sure that the cube is tightly fixed in the adapter plate (3 screws on the top).
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Why are you using an angle joint when you don't need one? 😱 😕

With styli like this (is this an 8 mm?) I already had problems in the past with the shank not being fixed properly in the base, especially a short base with a mounting hole (makes the usable fixing length even shorter). In my case careful beats with a rubber mallet 😱 on the base end fixed the problem (it was custom-made and I had no choice), but if this is the cause, better sort the thing out...
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I was told many many years ago buy a guy i respect a lot, that if your probe will sit flat on its base (upside down, on the granite surface) then it should be balanced enough, if it tips over then you should add counterweight.
I don't know if this is true or not, but it seemed like a reasonable 'rule' for me to accept.
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