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Issues after Calypso 2019 Upgrade


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We just bought a new computer with Windows 10 and Calypso 2019 preinstalled. I was upgrading from Calypso 5.6. We finely got it all hooked up and connected to our CMM. Almost everything seems to work with the following exceptions. I am thinking I’m just missing checking a few boxes to get the settings right and am hoping someone can help.

1) In 5.6 I was able to drag space points around and locate them where I wanted on the surface of the model. Now after I create a space point when I click once on the point in the features tab it appears (standing yellow arrow) on the model. Then if I double click to open it, it disappears and the only sign of it is the small “X” on the model. Then I am unable to grab the point to move it. Is there a setting that needs to be changed to allow this?

2) When the results of an inspection are saved I am no longer getting a PDF file saved with the other files like they were with 5.6. The chr.txt, fet.txt, and hrd.txt files are there but the custom results that show on the screen at the end of the inspection are not saved as a PDF. In the “Results to File” settings window the PDF line is marked “On” but it is grayed out and can’t be changed. In the run “Start” window the PDF box is also grayed out and can’t be changed. When I looked at the software version window (?>About) it lists “Service Pack: PDF Merger: Not installed”. I’m not sure if this is the problem or if something I missed needs checked off.I’ve attached photos to show better what I’m talking about.

3) After an inspection is run, behind the Custom Results that show another window pops up “Default Report”. I never had that before with 5.6. Also if I close it (the Default Report), every time I open then close a “characteristic” it pops open again and stays open until I close it. Can I stop this report from showing completely?

It seems updates and upgrades never go as smoothly as they tell you they will. I would be grateful for any help that I can get. THANKS.


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To get rid of the default printout pop-up, you'll have to start using the multiple printout window to define your custom printout. There you can add the default printout as a print feature and uncheck the output options, and it'll stop appearing.


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