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Cylinder Probing


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I know this is an easy fix but i cannot remember the issue...when i have a piece of bar stock laying horizontal and i scan a cylinder on it with the -Z probe, it scans the first path fine, but once it retracts and is going to scan the second part of the cylinder, instead of raising up and going over the part to start the second scan, it tries to go underneath and thru the part. How do i fix this?? Thanks in advance.
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Change the start/end angles to a small amount less than concentric. In other words, if you start at angle 0 and go to 180, then to return to 0 Calypso will take the shortest path. Both path lengths are equal (over vs under the part) so Calypso will do whatever it feels like. I usually truncate my circle paths by 5 degrees on each end (scan from 5 to 175).
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You can also separate the scans and reverse directions between passes, i.e. first circle path 0 / 180, second path = 180 / -180, 3rd path 0 / 180 and so on. No clearance datas required between circle paths.
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