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Curve Form Min/Max


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There is an inspection program written by someone other than me being used on the floor. It uses curve form, which I am very unfamiliar with. It only reports the absolute value of the min deviation plus the max deviation. Is there a way for it to report the form with the max and min, in one characteristic? I know that I could with result element, but I'd prefer to keep it all in one characteristic so the report is only one page instead of making it three.
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And kind of related, I'm attempting to make my own curves now. I'm doing the method of using the CAD-> creating features-> and selecting the wireframes from the model to make it. However, I don't know how to adjust the height of curve. When I adjust the Z value, the next time I open the curve it is back to 0. When I try to change the number of points, it is stuck at the initial number I had input during the CAD creating feature phase. Can anyone dumb it down for me?
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If you print the curve form plot, it shows the min and max on it. However, I don't believe there is a way to get the curve form characteristic to report the min and max, it just reports the total and the result element is probably the best way to do it.

Regarding adjusting the 2D curve feature, you have to select the nominal point drop-down menu (located in the top middle of feature menu) and select "nominal geometry manipulations" and then scroll down and select "modify nominals".
You'll have three tabs in the modify nominal menu to (1) adjust them in the coordinate axis direction, (2) the number or (3) in vector direction. If you just want to change the Z, select coordinate axis and input the amount in the translation Z box.

It's a good practice make a copy of the curve before modifying the nominals in-case something goes wrong, especially when changing the number of points to measure.
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Thanks Owen.

Would you happen to know the proper verbiage to possibly add the min max into the comment section of the curve form? Something like

"MAX=" +getActual("2D Curve1").maxDev

I'm not sure how to display text in the same line as a formula.
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I'm not sure if it is possible, but I'd like to input the min/max formulas into the comment section of the form characteristic. I want it to read


I'm just not sure how to have "MAX=" to be recognized as just text, not as part of a formula.
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Quotations marks should encase the text to be shown.
cr() is for a line break.
Formula should look something like this.

"_"+cr()+"MAX="+getActual("Main Journal Corner Rad 2D Curve1").maxDev+cr()+"MIN="+ getActual("Main Journal Corner Rad 2D Curve1").minDev
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