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Base Alignment Transformation from MCS


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Hi all,

I'm scratching my head on this one. I'm trying to output the translation and rotation values (via PCM) of the base alignment with respect to the machine coordinate system. I see I can grab the values using the following:

and this works fine after I setup the base alignment manually. However, when I do a CNC run suddenly it only outputs all zeroes. If I close the program and re-load it I am able to output the actual values, but as soon as I perform another measurement run, it resets back to zero.
Looking at the base alignment dialog box I see there is an option to "Set base alignment to zero". I ran the program both with this checked and unchecked and didn't produce any difference.
How can I get the program to not produce all zeroes after a CNC run?
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Create a secondary alignment that only references the MCS and extract the values from it. This will show you where the machine coordinate system is in relation to the base alignment.
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