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Slot Profile with Perpendiculars???


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Have just about turned my brain to mush trying to get a succesful Surface Profile of a Slot. As in screen shots in attached PDF, the bad slot done with 2D Curves (feature points recalled into Freeform Surface), the bad points (seemingly always in curved parts of slot), show up completely perpendicular. I've tried everything -- with/without best fit, going by strict cook book procedures, asigning tolerances to the curve(s) segement points, ad infinitum. If I do same part or another part that has bad slot but with just Freeform Faces all around slot, bad part is still bad, but doesn't show the unrealisticaly bad numbers in Protocol. I mean like 0.3238 for a +/- 0.006 surface!!?? It doesn't show that extreme in the ones done with FF "from faces".
I would like to know if there is a solution out there, I can use 2D Curves recalled into FF just fine on exterior profile (thanks to help from Forum), but graphic shows red,green, yellow, and blue points without the insane outliers. Maybe Santa Claus will bring me new brain cells.... Surface Profile showing Perpendicular Points.pdf
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Look through the nominal points list in your 2D curve and make sure you dont have a couple points with bad vectors. If you find them, just delete them, or you can correct the vectors.
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Not sure I completely understand the issue but, after making sure none of the curves nominal vectors are bad (like Brett mentioned) you might temporarily try switching the curve to take single points instead of scanning to remove any issues with filters not working correctly.
To see if you have any bad vectors, open up the curve feature to show the vectors on the cad screen and then, right click on the screen and choose properties and choose to show all nominals. Then look at each nominal vector and see if it's perpendicular to the surface and if it's not, delete that point.
Disclaimer - I've never used FF surface or profile as all the work iv'e done over the last 15 years have never required it.
That said, in your PDF illustrations, it shows the profile as NO filters used?
Can you not filter recalled points in a FF profile?
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