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Axial runout (CookBook)


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In the Cook Book (pg 97, step 4) "Define the evaluation settings" - Toleranced Plane LSPL Least Squares Plane (Only probing points are calculated) Maybe a stupid question, but do they mean that a scanned surface would NOT be calculated?
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That isn't what they mean. They are saying that It doesn't actually matter what evaluation method you use. They say to use Least Squared, but then they are letting you know that the calculation is actually coming from the individual probing points from your scan. It doesn't use the calculated feature from the evaluation. So with a runout characteristic, it looks at each individual point to see if it lands within the tolerance zone.
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Ok, thanks guys. Why though do the Zeiss (any) Zeiss instructions
appear to have been translated directly from German to English?

Many things get lost in translation. I would think they would make
the instructions like a POKE YOKE fixture (idiot proof).

Maybe I'm an idiot? 😃
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