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Measurement of Slots


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When measuring a slot the first face of the slot is measured, then the stylus retracts to the position defined by the clearance plane and then moves back into the slot to measure the second slot face. My question is how do I eliminate the movement to the clearance plane position between slot face measurements to save time? I only want it to measure the first slot face then measure the second slot face and then retract to the clearance plane. Hope this makes sense lol.
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So, technically this is not a Slot feature as defined by Calypso, This is 2 opposing planes. To keep the probe down, the 2 planes can use sub-clearance planes (SCP....) If the planes have any values in the clearance distances, edit them to 0.000, too.
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Okay found the solution like you suggested Tom, within the strategy we made a SCP after the polyline measurement of the plane and it works like a charm! I reffered to it as a slot thinking logically.....not like how Calypso would 😉 🤣
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Am I correct that you have 2 planes? To use SCP, you can set it in several places. In the main window of the plane feature, at the upper left, there is a dropdown menu to select CP's and SCP's. In the Strategy window, there is a Clearance Data in the strategy list, double-click on it to open it. You can set the CP or SCP there.
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I don't think I've ever used SCP. I'd just reduce the retract distances to fifty thou or so for both features, and change "Move to" to "Before Measuring" for the first feature only.



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Casey, In my 15+ years of using Calypso, I've never really used those options. Okay, maybe once or twice in 2004... Using SCP's has been my "go to" for stuff like this. And occasional position points here and there, as needed.
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I agree with you Tom. The sub-clearance planes are so much cleaner and make more sense when creating mini plans because they become dynamic as they will retract to the main clearance plane if there are no other SCP's before or after the measurement.
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