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Angle Between Features


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I have what's essentially a large flange with a large diameter through hole in the center and a couple bolt patterns surrounding it.

I've constructed 2d lines connecting the center through hole to each of the holes on the surrounding bolt pattern.
I end up with what looks like a sliced pie.


When I go to "Angle Between Features" and assign a 2d line to Feature1 and a second adjacent 2d line to Feature2 I get no Actual and no measurement taken. Its like it doesn't recognize the two.


How should I be doing this?

Thanks all 🙂
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Owen, your the best! I thought pushing it into a 3d line would only compound the problem not rectify it.

Thank you GREATLY! (bows down)
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Building on what Owen said, measuring angles between features using 3dlines will sometimes give you issues with getting the correct angular measurement if the 3dlines are compound angles.

It is often beneficial to use a projection construction and project the 3dLines to a plane, then measure the angle between features between the projections.

This way you only get the 2D angular measurement, otherwise if the 3d lines are compound angles you may find you get some unexpected results.
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  • 8 months later...
Thanks for the replies fella's, projecting the features on to a plane fixed the issue, still learning the nuances of this software, and metrology in general!
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If I'm not mistaken you can also use the circles themselves directly in the Angle Between Features. Since the circles are parallel ABF will calculate the pitch angle between two features around the alignment. No need for constructing features.
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