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I am confused about the different types of calibration such as Geometry re qualification ,qualify passive qualification,dynamic Tensor qualification,6 point qualification etc which qualification should i use?? Usually i do calibration manually touching the probe method,according to the advice from the zeiss trainer...
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It all depends on the accuracy you want to achieve and the machine you have and the head setup.

On a manual machine, you will do the manual touches. Manual touches usually lead to the highest probe errors.
If it is a DCC machine you shouldn't do manual touches for qualifying probes.

If you are after accuracy and using navigator, I have been told to do dynamic tensor. This way will take the longest. It will do points and scanning for qualification.

Normally, I believe most people will do the tensor qualification as this is pretty standard for Zeiss machines. It does points only but will account for probe flexing.

If you have a trigger probe head, the 6 point qualification is the route for you. It is your standard probe qualification for a touch trigger head. This is much quicker but then you are losing some accuracy for that speed and the probe is not qualified for any flexing that may occur.
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I am using VAST XT probehead condura G2 machine, I have scanning option. Can I add scanning to my probe calibration, you told about scanning that is why I am asking??.
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Qualify passive qualification, dynamic tensor qualification options are available for XXT,TL1,TL2,TL3 for qualifying a new stylish system or a new stylish in existing system. As mentioned earlier all are depend upon type of the machines,I think you are doing tensor calibration, touching the first point Manually and rest of them in CNC mode.
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