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angle between features


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Ok, I have a part that has several shallow slots machined into it that are oriented at different angles from each other or off other features. I have them programmed to measure the radius/circle of the shallow slot on each, then I meaure the o.d. of the part, I then create a 3d line from the center of the shallow radius to the center of the o.d., then I draw a line on a plane. I then try to measure the angle of the 3d line to the line on a plane, the nominal the software spits out is like 88.9 degrees, but it measures and reports it at 65 degrees, and I know for a fact that the part is not off that amount, some of the other angles are off by as much as 25 degrees, and others off by less than a degree. I am pretty sure I have the features and characteristics created properly, just trying to figure out the disparity in measurements.


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