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machine calibration delay


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my machine should have been calibrated three months ago,due to financial problems my company management delaying calibration.my doubt is that there is any method to check cmm error apart from probe calibration....
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Hi Shabu,

there only the thing you can check the CMM with a calibratet Test specimen CMM check. But this one costs in germany 5.500€.
So there you have the price for 1,5 calibration. 🙄
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If you have a known calibrated artifact you can make some checks.

But even calibrated ring gages etc.. will only tell you so much. I have master parts that I run before and after a calibration. I keep them locked in a cabinet with the reports.

If you have something like that. IF not maybe make one up when you get it calibrated and verified..

My 0.02
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You could also check a calibrated ring gage & gage blocks at various locations on the CMM. We often use a "Master Part".
If we have any doubt as to the machines accuracy, we can run the master part and compare the results from before and after.
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Investing in a quality artifact (purchased or self-made) is the best way to go, if calibrations are going to be delayed by months.
One can make the argument that bi-monthly reference checks can be used to justify extending the calibration cycle. Essentially, the artifact will "pay for itself", if you are able to transition from a 12 month cycle to an 18 month cycle.
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As other's here have posted, use a part with known results.
The one we have here is a master part we keep locked up and run if there is a question on the accuracy of our CMM.
It has 115 characteristics uses 5 different stylus and about 30 different articulations.
If results match we feel our machine is good and this method passed muster on our last audit.
Greg K
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