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getProbe characteristics


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Hi all,

I'd like to query information using the getProbe function, but none of the documentation shows what characteristics are available for this function and what each of their respective names are. Am I just supposed to use my psychic powers to pull this out of the ether or what? 🤣

The only thing I see from the help docs is getProbe.radius
Mainly, I'd like to query the xyz offset
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These have been posted before, but they are all now documented in the release info for Calypso 2019 in the file at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zeiss\CALYPSO 6.8\userinfo\release info\releaseinfo_en.pdf" (assuming you have 2019 installed)

.probeName Stylus Name
.anglePosA1 Angle
.anglePosA2 Angle
.calibMode Mode of the calibration
.calibration Calibrated yes / no
.confName Name of the configuration
.diameter Diameter
.radius Radius
.probeDate Date of the last calibration
.probe Force Force of the calibration
.probeTemp Temperature
.shaftDirection Shaftdirection
.shaftLen Shaftlength
.shaftRadius Shaftradius
.stdProbeDev Deviation of the calibration
.probeVector.x Probe coordinate in X
.probeVector.y Probe coordinate in Y
.probeVector.z Probe coordinate in Z
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Same old boring question... 🙂

Well, lets put and end to it. Heres some instance variables:
.removeRefStatus       !WARNING!
.removeCalibration     !WARNING!
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