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Freeform and Curve prices


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We currently have Calypso 2014 with Curve. I emailed Zeiss about upgrading to the new version and inquired about Freeform because I know that they're bundled now. I was told that Freeform is an additional 7000.00 even if we already have a Curve license to upgrade. 7000.00? Really? Does this sound right?

Any info on upgrading Calypso is welcome.

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Right? or Accurate?

It sounds accurate enough, not very right if you ask me though. We were told pretty much the same thing, if you have an existing curve license from when they weren't bundled you need to purchase the whole bundle to get freeform. We have 8 machines so I guess we probably will never see freeform.
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I think a better business model would be to give out freeform for free/cheap to existing curve users with an active SMA, and then just up the yearly SMA cost. Seems like a win/win for everyone.
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I'm agree with you 100%. I've got curve on all of my machines and it really grinds my gears that the new customers get a better deal.

This is everything you need to know about Zeiss pricing.
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Thanks for the feedback. That price is ridiculous, especially when they're trying to sell an SMA. Don't see much use in upgrading the software now as they haven't really added much of anything to justify it and I already have curve. I think I can get by without the caliper characteristic. 🙄

Strange business tactics, IMO.
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Exactly. I have NO incentive to upgrade now, which means that their marketing tactics and philosophy are foolish, IMO. Not only have they spurned a loyal customer, but they're losing the opportunity to get us on an SMA, which is money for nothing to them. We were also looking at upgrading the basic PiWeb to something more robust. Oh well.
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It is pretty ridiculous, they either need to offer free form for a stand alone price for those with curve or upgrade existing curve owners to the bundle.
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Yupp I just spent $6,210.00 on the upgrade. Got my lic file today after 6 days of waiting. Have no idea how to use it yet to check this profile of a slot lol.

I wont see a class until the end of Feb.

Not cheap at all
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