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Saving calibration result


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May I know what is 1, y+ ,SCA stands for?. Actually I am using a vast XT probe,not RDS my probe head does not rotate.1stands for probe number, y+ is the direction??. For probe, number 3,4,5 should I use same number?? what about direction??.
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This is only for Probe Qualification Program.
Go to Resources > Name output files > for this program
elect "Default Printout" from the dropdown menu
Check "Name output files variable"
Copy--------------------> "C:\Temp\Zeiss_Qual\"+"Zeiss Calypso "+getRecordHead("planid")+" "+getRecordHead("date")+" "+getRecordHead("time")+".txt"
That will create a pdf copy in your C/Temp folder under sub folder "Zeiss Calypso" you can edit it for your own needs.

That should be it.
I dont think you need to Initialize, but if it doesnt work
Go to Resources > Results to file and click on the "initialize" button


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If you go to Multiple Report in the Measurement tab and turn on Multiple printout if it is not on. Add the default printout to the list and send it to pdf or text and you have saved the result in the default printout format. If you want to get fancier and send the report to an SPC package like QC Calc you have to generate characteristic in the report like discussed in previous post. I will attach my Probe qualification guide that will help explain the result element and the "formula".

Probe Qualification Program 2018.pdf

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