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Dynamic Calibration of Long Probes


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I need a recommendation for a best practice for a Dynamic calibration on extremely long probes that will be used to scan a 5.46 mm and 7.76 mm bore. Probe data below.

DK 7.0
L 280.0
ML 265.0
DS 6.0
SMAT Tungsten Carbide

DK 5.0
L 250.0
ML 235.0
DS 4.75
SMAT Tungsten Carbide

In the past with UMESS UX, after a tensor bend calibration, a gage ring of the same size as the bore being measured, would be scanned and used to accomplish the dynamic calibration. Currently, everything that I am reading is indicating that two calibration spheres are used instead of a gage ring.
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If I understand correctly what you are asking. Measure a ring gage of a size comparable to the actual features you will be measuring and save it. Then open the feature(s) you will be measuring with those long styli. Open the evaluation button on
each of those features, and tick Gage Correction in the bottom left corner. I haven't used this function in years, so sorry,
I can't offer any clear instruction beyond that point. There should be a tutorial on the subject if you search the forum.
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280 mm length probe can be used in Zeiss Cmm, I was advised don't use more than 150 mm, that's why iam asking??. In Zeiss cmm there is no limit for stylus length including the extension??
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QUOTE: "280 mm length probe can be used in Zeiss Cmm, I was advised don't use more than 150 mm, that's why iam asking??. In Zeiss cmm there is no limit for stylus length including the extension??""

The length and stylus weight allowed depends on what type of CMM sensor head you are using.
An XXT TL1 scanning sensor MAX length is 125mm, 10g weight.
An XXT TL2 scanning sensor MAX length is 250mm, 10g weight.
An XXT TL1 scanning sensor MAX length is 150mm, 15g weight.

A Vast XT scanning sensor MAX length is 500mm, 500g weight.
A Vast GOLD scanning sensor MAX length is 800mm, 600g weight.
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