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piWeb Blocked?


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I have been setting up Calypso 2019 and doing some testing, and at first everything was working fine, however now whenever piWeb tries to open I get a popup that says "PiWeb is marked as blocked. This usually happens when downloading PiWeb from the Internet without unblocking (Right click => Properties => Allow access)."

I wan't to emphasize this - piWeb was working after the install. So far as I can tell nothing crashed or anything it just was working and then it wasn't.

As part of testing I have attempted to open piWeb manually by browsing to cmm.exe and the StartPiWebGUI.exe in the shortcut for piWeb, both give the same popup.

FYI - I also get the following error if it was calypso that was trying to start piWeb.

Anyhow.. hopefully someone has seen this and has some suggestion.

Unhandled exception: piweb cmm server not started: #error -> '
Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ''Zeiss.IMT.Cmm.Startup'' threw an exception. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ''Zeiss.IMT.Globals.AssemblyResolveHelper'' threw an exception. ---> System.NotSupportedException: PiWeb is marked as blocked. This usually happens when downloading PiWeb from the Internet without unblocking (Right click => Properties => Allow access).
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So I was digging around trying to figure out what is going on.

I have now uninstalled and re-installed with no luck.

I noticed when I looked at the license it does not show the same version number (the version installed is 6.8 and the license for piWeb shows 7.0), I was wondering if that might be the cause of this. I know with my 6.4 install the piWeb license also shows 6.4 - not sure if it is somehow different with 6.8.

I was hoping someone else would be willing to take a look at their license manager and see if their piWeb is showing the same as the attached image for an install of 6.8? Seems like it should say 6.8 not 7.0 - but I figured maybe someone else could look at theirs and confirm.
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I am running PiWeb version 7 and have a license for 7. When I first installed PiWeb it wouldn't work and it ended up being the version I was running. I would suspect that is your problem is well.

It appears that I have a few licenses installed in parallel.
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No, turns out that was not what it was, though I appreciate the input.

I ended up flat out deleting the entire "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zeiss\CALYPSO 6.8\bin\PiWebReporting" directory.

Then I did a new install so it replaced the directory and now it works again - something must have gotten corrupted.
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Well it seems it is my own fault, at least to some degree.

In the past (version 6.4) you could change the pictures which were used for different types of characteristics by changing the .bmp file in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zeiss\Calypso 6.8\pictures\cfeature\" directory.

So if you swapped the ResultElement.bmp file with your own, you had your own custom look for the icon. This was clearly far too simple for Zeiss programmers. I mean, lets not be crazy here, change one icon and have everything change.

So since the result element was the ugly person icon they decided to go with, I had attempted to swap it out, unfortunately they have now switched to using all of the following pictures / icons for one characteristic.
This didn't seem insurmountable, so I just made new resized versions of .png files for each of them and replaced them.

Apparently this is something that is not allowed, since it seems that any changes to this directory can cause the error I was seeing.

My guess is this is some anti piracy attempt or something - but anyhow that is what seems to have caused it.
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