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Invalid Name


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Does anyone one know how to fix a error "Invalid Name"? That's all the pop up says. We have ran this program numerous times in 5.8. We are not having luck in 6.2. I thought it was because we had a couple of text elements with symbols in the title however that didn't fix the issue. I cant seem to figure it out.

Someone may have altered something that I'm unaware of within the program.
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Since 6.0 (2015) it is forbidden to use special elements like !"§$%&/()=?{[]}\ßöäüÖÄÜ*'#~.,<>|^° and all others you can call over the ASCII code; perhaps [Alt]+[0216] = Ø.

You are allowed to use all characters that were in DOS times available, but not more. Fortunately, you are allowed to use 255 characters, thanks to MS Windows 95.

I think it could be the global usage of Calypso and the different Fonts with different characters at the same place. Compare e.g. Arial or Times New Roman with Wingdings, you'll know what I mean.

If you cannot start it, it could help to edit the following files: inspection, inspset, protheadpara and username. Remove all special characters. Make sure to save the files before editing!
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Calypso lets me open the program, it just wont let me run it. I get a very small pop up that says "Invalid name". If you click "OK" it keeps popping up. If you click the red X, the pop up goes away and then you can click "OK" to start the run. It very weird and I cant figure it out for the best of me.
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Hello Tom!

No, you don't. I meant that it has been made for version 6.0 and after. But actually, I don't know what are the changes with newer ones. I am waiting for 6.8 now.
We discovered that we can change the name of the directory after saving. But if we try to save with special characters, Calypso shows the popup like Lonnie said.
It could be the localisation or the developers went new ways. Who knows.

For me, I never use symbols in the names. For special purposes I name it e.g. "Thing_diameter" and not "Thing_Ø". As I wrote above, you can give it 255 characters.
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It is possible that when using formulas that the name is no longer valid, because a feature or characteristic has been renamed after the fact, and it does not correct the "name" in the formula. Then the name is not valid because it cannot find it.
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