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Best Fit... What Does It DO?


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I am trying to evaluate a gear profile using Curve.
The images show the same series of teeth with Best Fit ON, and Best Fit OFF. With Best Fit ON, there are a number of points missing.
Can anyone tell me what exactly Calypso does when applying Best Fit in this situation?
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When you turn on Best Fit, are you restricting any axis, or is all of them selected? If you have them all selected, I would strongly suggest not to do that. If this is a gear, and say it's in the XY plane, only let it translate in the X,Y, and rotate in the Z. See if that helps you.

In addition, there is a limit for search for best fit in the Evaluation tab, you can increase/decrease this if needed.
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Ok, under Translation, I un-selected Z plane, and left X and Y selected. Under Rotation, I un-selected X and Y, and left Z remaining on.
I didn't do anything with the search limit as the default is 0.190".
I'm getting totally different results now.
I'm still foggy on what Best Fit actually does, and how to interpret the results.
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I don't agree with that statement.

Curve is great for Gear Profile inspection, but you have to take the time to get the setup correctly. Like this case, you wouldn't want to do a full tooth profile. There is a section that you would scan radially for the Profile (from a certain diameter to a certain diameter). Then a section that you would scan axially for the Helix (at a certain diameter). There is a Pitch function inside of Calypso to take care of tooth-to-tooth error. Finally, just a couple of circle for the tip and root.

The problem that I've ran into in the past is that people model the spline/gear at MMC, so you would need to shift your tolerance to account for that. .
GearPro definitely makes it easier, I agree, but all of this can be done inside of Curve.
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