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Insufficient measuring force disaster


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Hi all,
What is the setting in Calypso to turn off remeasuring a feature when it has insufficient measuring force?

Rant on
Twice now the software has had insufficient force on a feature. Instead of remeasuring in the same location again, the probe moves to some random location only know to Calypso and drives right into the part. 2 probes broken because I can't predict the future and what this %^$&**% software is going to do. Seriously.. WTF would it do this? It's not an alignment location or anything discernible that I can see. So lame.
Rant off

Thanks for your help,
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Look for a random point in either the previous feature or the next features measurement strategy , They come from a random mouse click while in a feature strategy.
Also, are you using tangential probing ? Try turning that off.
increase your probing pressure a bit. If you're using an XT , you can type in ANY value, You don't have to use a value from the pull down !
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Thanks for the reply, Dave.

It's none of those things. This has happened in the past but I was able to catch it. The program checks the feature fine the first time. Then for some reason, and seemingly only on features where it is too close to an edge and rides either on it or over the edge, it goes to a totally different location the next time. Since I'm checking in Z it just drives into the part, even with a CAD model. It's broken. It always seems to go somewhere near the Base Alignment origin, but not at it.

I just want to turn it off. I can't babysit the machine all the time. Do you know what the setting is to turn it off?

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It sounds like you're looking for Scanning Optimization.

Resources->Compatibility Settings-> For this measurement Plan

Look for Scanning Optimization for Passive Sensors. You may have to scroll down a little bit.
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Thanks for the reply, Clarke.

I got the setting to stick that Casey mentioned. I guess you have to set it for the individual plan even if you set all the plans to that setting. 😕

The only way I can get it to measure it without crashing is to use single points in the strategy. It's disappointing that Calypso has a flaw in it that allows the probe to crash through a part for no reason whatsoever, even with a CAD model for navigation. Overall, the navigation capabilities in Calypso are sub par to other software, primarily because it does black magic behind the scenes instead of giving you some code you can debug or get an idea of why the machine is doing what it's doing. It's probe and pray.

And as long as I'm venting, I absolutely hate the VAST XXT. In my last job using Calypso I used a UMC 850 Carat in conjunction with a rotary table. Amazing machine to work with. I guess I got spoiled and now I have to use the kids machine version. 😠

Thanks for the help all,
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Robert, I truly feel your pain with the 'optimization cruelty'. I tried to kill the beast but with no apparent success.
I suppose I was looking for a GLOBAL off switch, but all I found was the 'for several measurement plans'.
The word 'several' just kind of threw me for a loop, and trying to kill several programs I saw nothing in the program list window, but looked as if it was doing something - like it was loading something.... but nothing. (see below) I ended up closing the Compatability
Settings. I finally gave it one more try, and viola! All our released programs were now turned off. I guess to see them I had to re-open the Settings box. Hope you got it to turn off as well.......
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