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Dongle replacement issue!


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Dongle replacement issue!
The dongle inside my work station is defect and we need a replacement, we are running Calypso 5.2.2 on a W-7 platform, without any issue ‘til now.
We already contacted our Service provider in Canada and they answered this:

“This license is dongle based and licensed with the old server that was shut down. The customer will also need a new SMA for current software. Their last version is 5.2, and the licensing system for that was shut down at the start of October. There is no way to get them a 5.2 license on a new dongle”

We are really upset about this issue, because we really don’t need any new work station or new software, it just the dongle key, they had installed and now when dongle is defect they don’t want to replaced it anymore 🙁
Please advise, thank you.
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If the problem is that there is no server to generate old licenses then pc-bounded will have the same issue;
There is always some risk level when we keep working the same software and hardware for long term.However 7 years is not too much, then important to analyse if SMA (or budget for upgrade) is convenient.
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I can understand that Zeiss would very much like to sell a new version, but this is a rightfully purchased license and a customer doesn't have to care about the vendor's technical difficulties in making (and keeping) the license usable.
The dongle hardware is just a means to have the license stored an protected, but it's not part of the license itself (according to my humble legal knowledge). So I'd say it's Zeiss' problem how to make the license available to the customer again, even without a working activation server. It may involve some addiitonal cost, but they can't just say you need to purchase a new version.
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