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True position to an axis.


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Hi all,
I have a true position dimension with the datum structure being an axis between two circles. |TP|Ø0.010|R-X|

I create the TP characteristic just as on the print but I don't get an answer or i get zero as an answer. The feature in question is on the theoretical same axis as the datum. Am I getting zero simply because with the datum structure can run along the same axis infinitely until it fits perfectly on the circle?

I get variation in the feature X and Z position so I know its not really perfect. I need an explanation to bring to the engineer if it is linked to my assumption.
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Re-generate the same elements with which you created your alignment and check the true position with the new elements. You could also check the concentricity as a support to see if they are actually zero.
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So I figured it out... It must have been a bug in the version I was using. I installed the new service pack and now I have a reasonable answer that's not zero.
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