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Lot ID Combo Box


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Is it possible to create a drop down combo box for the lotid field? I know how to create a new user field and add a combo box, but I have never changed one of calypso's default fields to have a combo box.
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Yeah. I'm in 2019.I can confirm that it is in 2018 as well.

It looks like 2018 and newer has a new file in the protform folder "systemfieldsassistance.ini" that has all of this information in it.

I'd have to do some testing, but you might be able to create that file, and manually update it.
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I can wait until I update. IT has been dragging their feet with updating me to Windows 10. I have half of my computers on 7 and half on 10. I can just get on them and update this weekend.
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for getting the selective list (called also pull down menu or drop down menu) you have to edit your "userfields.ini" file.
Your file could look like this:



The lines shown above should work with every Calypso version back to 4. If you want to make it chooseable, you can change the defaultValue=1 line to e.g. defaultValue=PLEASE CHOOSE (yes, spaces are working!) so the users have really to choose what they need.
You can edit it with Windows Editor or, for instance, Notepad++.
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