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Source of these infographics?


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I have a couple of infographics I've downloaded from these forums and was curious whom or where the source was and if there were more to be had?
Just the two or three of them that I have have proven more useful on a day to day basis than an entire ream of other related instructional materials I've printed.

If it's from a class, I'd love to get the contact info to the facility or individual so I can put in a requisition for my next training session. The directness and clarity of these little gems of information speak volumes to me.

Thanks! 😃
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Some of the graphics you find are made my other users via power point, word, xls etc..

I have some that I have picked up from the lunch and learn's that Ryan use to host. I have a few of them saved and will refer to them often. I can send them to you if you like. Have some on just about everything.

Most training I have had has come from Ryan Stauffer up in NC. He knows his Calypso.
I have also been through AUKOM level 1 and 2.

So you could start with the Zeiss facility if you want training.
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I am the source of these. I started working on a reference guide some time back to help answer the questions I get asked the most. I will attach the full .pdf for you & anyone else who wants it.

Please note the information contained within this document comes from Zeiss manuals, lunch n learns & my personal experience/best practice. As far as I know it contains no errors. But I am only human so I advise it be used for reference only as it is not officially endorsed or reviewed by any official entity. Also it is unfinished.

Thank you for the interest & kind words on my work!


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