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Reference sphere location and master probe


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Hello all,

Hade my Zeiss for a few months now and I'm really loving Calypso. I have a decade of experience with PCdmis and CMM Manager I'm a bit confused on the location of the reference sphere with Calypso.

Why doesn't Zeiss make a holder that is concentric?

Why is it offset so you cant place it in the same location?

Does the master probe actually need to done every time before I can run my probe qualification program?

In my past we have always used a sphere with a concentric threaded stud that can thread into the same location every time and just run a qualification program. I really don't want my employees to have to run through the master probe before being able to run the qualification program when they should be able to just thread the reference sphere in the same spot then run the program. I'm considering trashing the Zeiss reference sphere and getting one that is concentric and do the master probe once a month rather than every time. What am I missing here? Thanks in advance.
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If you are using your reference sphere straight up at 180° then there is nothing stopping you from making a shaft that you screw the reference sphere into.

It's when you need it in particular angled orientations is when it matters.

Most of the time I left the reference sphere holder on the machine, as far out of the way as possible, and I would just remove and store the reference sphere when not in use. That may not work for you depending on machine, size of probes, size of parts, etc.
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Thank you gents very much. I want to make our own shaft but our tool room is extremely back logged and wont get it done for months. What I did was machine 3 small notches around the rim of the base and 3 notches on the R&R fixture plate. We are now going align all the notches to locate in the same place. Tested it with all my employees and it is working well. Being new to Calypso I wasn't sure if the master probe was actually required every time. Again, thank you much for your reply's.
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