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Position Help


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I just realized those two holes are coaxial. If you don't want them to overlap each other in the plot, you could do a best fit alignment of the two, then do separate position characteristics to that alignment. Sort of odd they are toleranced this way. I guess you want to do those as cylinders, because as circles, their position error will technically just be perfect if all degrees of freedom are truly left unconstrained.
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This appears to be asking for a check of co-axiality, though generally the call out is a composite true position - not single segment.

I do co-axial holes like this as follows.

First measure both holes independently as cylinders.

Next Recall both cylinders using outer tangential to create a 3D Line that simulates the largest pin that would fit in the hole. The line is the common axis created from both cylinders.

Now make a true position characteristic for both of the original cylinders which is to the 3D Line (on all three datum features).

This is essentially checking each of the holes to the common axis.

If the holes are not inline, then the common axis will be skewed and the true position will be out.
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