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34/5000 calypso Help for profile measurement


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Hello everyone,
I am new to profil measurement and i would like to ask you how to manage succesfully measurment of profile characteristic shown in attached drawing detail.
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The View Z Ref dia (72) is actually a basic dim. I'd create a theoretical 72 dia circle, probe each
8 deg plane, intersect each plane with the 72 circle for two pierce points. Would you then apply
a ± .0085 (.017) for the 9.35 basic? Not sure?
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Looks like you have it right except your DRF, the spatial datum should probably be -A-.
-C- is questionable whether it is one slot, or both slots at 180° to establish CL.
Other than, you can scan each side of the slot, with proper filtering/outliers, should be fairly straightforward.

Can you show us one of the basic slot features, its nominal position and form error ?
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Thank you for your support, Christopher,
I make reference C with two slots (3d line15) I create the slot with two separate planes. Below you can see the data and filtering of the planes I created.
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Thanks for your support clarke, I have created a theoretical diameter of diameter 72. Then I bought the right and left plane in the channel. I intersect them with the theoretical diameter, and here I question the distance of 9.35 mm. No problem at distance. But why are profile sizes so high when nominals and form errors appear appropriate?
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The scan data looks really good, form error looks reasonable too. Only suggestion I might have, which is a personal preference, is to follow cookbook settings, and perhaps remove 5 additional points adjacent to outlier.

Since the form is good, this is where profile/freeform surfaces get complicated, the machinist will ask: Where is it out, what adjustment do I make?

You could start there, I might start with the indexing/angular variation, perhaps an "angle between features", as well as slot width...

Other suggestion might be : It looks like your DRF/Secondary alignment is accurate, but you might choose datums inside the Profile Char. instead to let Calypso build the DRF and compare results. ( this doesn't always work out as expected; and you need 3 datums for profile).

There are a variety of ways to establish the -C- datum I think, you could experiment there, and see if you can get Engineering's input.

As Clarke mentioned above you can report the Chordal distance, using a .len(length) of a 3d line of the 2 constructed points.
You can alos report what the actual 8° are to begin researching...
Good luck !
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