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probe moving in opposite direction


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Please help, very new to Calypso, did programmed few parts, but small programs, now facing a new problem, made alignment, created clearance plane, probed 8 holes which has a bolt pattern, manually probed all holes, did the true position for all 8 holes, all came out good, printed the result, all good, saved the program and then run it, while running the program it took 3 holes good, but for fourth hole, instead probe should be going to fourth hole which is on the left side, probe started travelling in totally opposite direction , means to the right side, it did not happen before for other parts, but for this new part this is what happened, I am shocked , the program has its path and should follow the path, any help please.
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Without seeing your program, it could be many things causing this problem.
My guess is that your alignment is not very strong, so maybe adding a loop would help.
Click on base alignment in the 2ns column, click on loop, click on insert, change the middle number to 2.
Now your alignment will loop twice and could possibly fix your problem.

Check to make sure you have adequate points in your alignment features, i know the "factory defaults" of scan point density of lines & planes & circles can be painfully sparse.


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