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Table File of Out of Tolerance Measurements Only


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Who here has an easy way to output just the out of tolerance measurements to a table file? I still need the original .chr table file to save. What I want is an additional table file to save to a location with just the out of tolerance measurements.

I do have PCM.
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Ah, sorry I didn't notice you wanted it only for the table file. You can create your own excel report. Just make a copy of the defult Calypso excel report, then add some VBA code to eliminate any characteristics that are in tolerance. Go to Resources>Define Printout. Select the Default Printout/Warning limit tab, and click the folder icon next "Excel report". this should take you to the folder location for the Calypso excel report. Go to that folder, and make a copy of the characteristic report. Add macros to delete rows that contain passing results. Now go back to the Define printout window, and when you select the folder icon next to the Excel report option, select your new excel report you created. Now when hit the run button for your measurement plan, you should now see the "excel printout" option available. check the box and run your measurement plan.
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We have success!!!.

One more question. How to I change what folder my it saves to? It didn't work when I changed the default printout under Name for Output files
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Yeah I'm really not sure if that can be changed. You also could add to your VBA code to save as into a specific folder. But the Batch file will work just as well.
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