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Masking unwanted points


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Try the manual point masking under evaluations

You can add in a start stop angle, OR my preferred way grab the axis and rotate them with the mouse.

Create new circle segment upper left corner
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Open the feature window for the curve, select evaluations, then check the box that says "Nom. Vector Direction". Then select the parameters button next to it. This will give you a list of all the points within the curve. Whichever ones you select will be masked.
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What Brett suggested works for me. Are you seeing the points? or a line that connects the actual points through the part that you masked? In other words, Calypso does not delete, or segment, the line that represents your measured curve scan. If you use Limit Evaluation then the points are masked but the line will now connect the new end point to the next start point but the points will be masked.

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