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chr.txt files


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Is it winspc?
I export TXT files for winspc on most of my programs for SPC consumption, but it is very labor intensive process.
First of all you need PCM, without that the only other option that im aware of is a "merge File". but those are so long (i think over 50 columns) that they are in my situation useless.
I think Eric Moberg also deals with text files, or at the very least has a good grasp of code writing in general.

Can you be more specific on what exactly you are wanting to do with text files?
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they are saved wherever you tell them to be saved.

Resources>Name for output files

you can fill in the desired fields with PCM Syntax to pull information off your report header to dynamically save & organize.
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To generate chr.txt, fet.txt and hdr.txt files, go to Resources - Results to File and tick the Table Files checkbox. These files will be stored in C:\users\public\documents\Zeiss\Calypso X.X\workarea\results.

If you are using QC-Calc, in the settings, set the file path for your data to the above path.
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Zack. What would be the PCM syntax code to use so I can gather hdr AND chr txt together. Need for gathering data for new SPC. Need ONE printout. Not 3.
Thank you
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the "Resources>Name for output files" is just where the files get saved. Gathering that data would be dependent on your SPC software. An example of custom directory output would go as follows...


'header_item_name' being the field title for which you would like to sort under, whether it be Job # or Part # or whatever fields you have in your custom printout

if you look close in the 'Name for output files" window you will see it gives you a short example & options. the "Printout Header fields" button also shows you the available fields to pull from.
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Here is an example PCM we use to create Characteristic table files:
"R:\SPC\ProLink\#QCC Table Files\"+"CMM-"+getRecordHead("dmesn")+"\"+getRecordHead("order")+"\"+getRecordHead("partid")+"\"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+"\"+getRecordHead("u_DBSWITCH")+"_chr.txt"
This is the string it represents:
(Assuming all variables are defined)
R:\SPC\{ProLink\#QCCTable Files\CMM-000000\Axxxxx\2B44401025-2\FPI-2\2B44401025-2_-_20_chr.txt
THe above creates a file named: "2B44401025-2_-_20_chr.txt" in the path constructed.
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  • 9 months later...
I don't know of a way to combine these the chr and hdr files inside of calypso; However, if you are good at excel, VBscripts, and the likes, then you can just do all of the merging outside of Calypso.

Bonus tip: I use the fields in Calypso to create and name my folders in the results folder. That way I'm not constantly making folders and the name of the folder and the names in calypso are always the exact same since they are being pulled from the same fields. Here is an example of one of my table files output path.

"Q:\CMM Results\"+getRecordHead("partnbLong")+" "+getRecordHead("partid")+"\"+getRecordHead("partnbLong")+"_Rev-"+getRecordHead("partrv")+"_"+getRecordHead("customer")+"_"+getRecordHead("partid")+"._"+getRecordHead("measRun")+"_"+getRecordHead("lotid")+"-"+getRecordHead("partsn")+"_CharacterTable_"+getRecordHead("dateshort")+"_IPN-"+getRecordHead("partnbinc")+".xls"
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To get chr.txt, fet.txt and hdr.txt files, go to Resources - Results to File and tick the Table Files checkbox. Calypso will automatically send them to your results folder C:\users\public\documents\Zeiss\Calypso\workarea\results.
That's how I get it to my SPC database.
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