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Polyline from model


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I have a family of parts (5 sizes). The first size model I imported, I extracted a plane, strategy - polyline from model, it hugged the shape of the plane perimeter ( The outside perimeter of the plane is kidney shaped). I tried this again on the second size model I imported and it didn't follow the contour of the plane. All I got was a square that went way out of the planes boundries. Is there a way to force it to do this every time?
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It should stick to the shape of the surface, could it be an issue with the model? Id try healing the CAD model and see if that makes any difference.

The only time I've seen it go outside the surface of the model is when I put in a edge distance that is not appropriate for the size of the part.
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Yeah, try all suggested above and also, you can put in a negative number (-0.10 for example) when it ask for edge distance.
It's usually the model needing auto-healed when it happens to me.
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These models are funky. I get phantom geometry that goes away with healing, but will come back at
some point. Also if I try to extract a point on a plane, it will extract on the surface behind that plane.
Healings only works temporarily.
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