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TP of slots


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It is being argued at my company that using a symmetry plane is not as accurate then using a symmetry point.

Which is better or Right/Wrong?

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A lot of variables there.

I would say that there is no true right/wrong answer here, but symmetry planes, like all 3d features require ample enough surface area to be constructed accurately and repeatably.
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One would assume if there is enough surface area to create planes that would be the most ideal and most accurate reading.
If not enough surface area is available , one would be forced to create points instead.

I personally believe using planes would be the best method.

To only create points would be like not taking multiple points/scans for Ø's
and only using the minimum of 3 points required to create a Ø instead.
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I have seen the plane method not work so well with small areas. If the surface isn't large enough any small deviations will shift the angle and that will be huge if the slot is located far from the datum. I just had this exact issue last week with a plastic material and small slots.
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