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Thanks for your help sir, I appreciate it.

But I want to know the behaviour of RPS alignment and how to take RPS alignment on the part.

Thanks in advance.
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First of all RPS means Reference Point System.

Think that you have a cube and you get 3 planes from the Cube. Top front and side (A,B,C). When you make a standard alignment and when u use A for spatial, B for planar, C for x, B for y, and A for z calypso will get 2 rotations from A plane and 1 rotation from B plane. So because of this when you check z coordinate of A plane you will see zero. But when you check y coordinate of B plane and x coordinate of C plane you will see values in there. But normally we think that they will also have to be zero. Its because these 3 planes cant be perpendicular to each other. Bu when we choose A for spatial rotation the coordinate system just be perpendicular to plane A. Because of that we will have values in x of the Plane C and y of the Plane B. (by the way if we choose Plane B for spatial in this case y of the Plane B will be zero and there will be a deviation on z of the Plane A)

When we come to RPS alignment we take points from the part. Generally this points and the coordinates are given on the drawing. Like A1-A2-A3-B1-B2- and C1. So then we use this points to create a base alignment. And we select this points and we look for the coordinates of the points in the base alignment menu( if they are wrong we correct them like in the drawing). So after the run Calypso will calculate the position and the rotation of the base alignment to make actual values of the points coordinates with no deviation. I mean with standard method like i discribe on up, the origin of the alignment will be in the intersection point of that 3 calculated planes. But with RPS alignment if we take 3 points from Plane A, and 2 points from plane B and 1 point from plane C the base alignment wont be on the intersection of 3 planes. It will offset and rotate according to actual values of the plane.

For summary with standard method Calypso will do something like this. If this feature is for spatial rotation the 2 rotation have to be like this and if this feature is in planar rotation the remaning rotation have to be like this. and if this feature is for X origin x origin have to be in here etc... But with RPS alignment Calypso will do something like this to make Z coordinate of the point1 zero, position of the base alignment have to be in here and have to rotate like this etc... One is comeing from the features and the other one is going to features. (the worse explanation in my life 🙂 )

But in real life its not possible to have zero deviation in 6 points like in the example. Because of that we put a admissible value for alignment and its name Delta value. For it you have to put a loop in the rps alignment and give the admissible delta value for the loop. Hope this will be helpfull for you.
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HA thank you for posting this. I am the author of this doc. Earlier, this year, we had a ransomware attack and all of these types of documents were on my computer and was quarantined. So, now I am re-building my library one download at a time... 😃
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