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Zeiss Portal search function...


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is it just me or is the search function completely worthless?
when i attempted to search for relevant posts it shot back with...
"The following words in your search query were ignored because they are too common words:
You must specify at least one word to search for. Each word must consist of at least 3 characters and must not contain more than 14 characters excluding wildcards."

I tried advanced search too, no luck... what gives? am i missing something? i even tried the |||| and the +++ per the description in the advanced search menu.
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I totally get you. Every single word and phrase is too common according to Zeiss. You have to alter your original search to such a degree that by the time you actually get the darned thing to return results they are totally from left field.

I wish it worked as good as the search on the old forum. Continual improvement at its finest.
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I agree the word restriction is pretty ridiculous. According to the forum software, probe is too common and calibration is also too common. I have to wonder if Zeiss has purposely tried to break the search function for this to be so bad.

One solution however is to use the * (wildcard) to get around the word restriction.

So to search for probe calibration - instead search for pro*e calib* - since the search query doesn't include any 'common words' it will still work. It may also find something that includes prone and caliber as well but at least it is something.
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yeah i tried to search for "profile to one datum" and also every variation of this profile one datum, profile datum, profile... ect..
shot back everytime..

then I searched for profile vs flatness and got what i was looking for... like really? c'mon Zeiss get it together.
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Search capability is definitely an opportunity for improvement.
I'm just glad the default print-out doesn't pop-up on screen every time I click on something in the forum. 🙄
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That's been my experience with it as well, I end up just having to search just a general topic and look through everything. What I've been doing is just bookmarking threads that have something I might need in the future or if its been useful and might need to find again. I think the old forum was a lot easier to find relevant information.
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