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User Fields Measurement selection


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How can I select the measurements by the user fields (userfields.ini)?
I don't find the user fields in the list..
is it possible with Piweb reporting Plus?

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What exactly are you try to get? Here is a document I created to add info to the header which updates the userfield.ini file. It will also show you how to add it to the header. Not sure if that is what you want but it might point you in the right direction.

Customizing PiWeb Header.pdf

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I'm not interested in the Header; I have many measurements (with Parameters assignment) and I want to see only the values filtered by an specific Parameter (standad or from the userfield) for example: supplier, checkreason, customer, manufacturingmachinenumber, etc..
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What version of Calypso are you using? Did you map the variables to a K value?

Go to Resources > Design Custom Printout > Editor for user-defined printout header parameters

Once you've created your custom variables, you need to assign them to a K value by clicking and dragging from the sidebar and dropping them into the respective field. Save your changes.

You'll be able to use these fields to sort, filter and group at this point. It's not retroactive though.


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I have Calypso 6.6.1208, the K values are assigned..

I will take as example the company field:
I put it as userfield with the K value 20005, because the STD formula ${Qdb.Part(1301)}, was not taking the values assigned with setRecordHead PCM command;
Now I can put the company name in the header using: ${Qdb.Property("company")}; however this filed is not included in the Piweb measurement Attributes; Then I cannot use it to sort the values (same case with the rest of the userfields)..

Even when I try to use ${Qdb.Measurement(20005)} or ${Qdb.Measurement(20005, -1)} in the header doesn't work

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😕 🙁 😠 , is worse than I was thinking...

I'm just noticed that the user fields with K values are empty when I try to use them in the header..
so I have to remove the K value if I want this information in the header..
(The fileds vith K values don't work for sorting anyway)
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I have this option available to me in the drop-down (Resources > Design Custom Printout > Editor for user-defined printout header parameters), but after selecting I get nothing.
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I get nothing at all... no window opens. I click and the drop-downs disappear.

NINJA EDIT: SOLVED! I knew the solution was going to be easy. I just didn't know how easy. Shall I share or would we all like to take a shot at guessing? I am embarrassed to keep these particular posts up because of this, but in the spirit of forum decorum: the posts will be archived for all to laugh at.
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Hey Ted I've run through your "how to" several times but can't seem to my "u_Inspector" field to populate on the report header. It appears to accept the name during the process of adding it to the Name-Value-Pair field. The Inspector field drop down list in the run window shows all my inspector names. Any thoughts? 6.6 sp3
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Tom, instead of using Name-Value-Pair,

Highlight the text box in designer, Right click Variable > Data Provider > Measurement > Inspector.

Make sure you've sent a value over either via Simulation or run the program without clearing existing results or this won't work.
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Now you can use this field for sorting, filtering and grouping too!! When you map them in the editor, they become super useful.

A prime example of when this comes in handy, or really shows it's power is when the user collects a bunch of parts under something like Lot #, or Cavity #, and you can use the grouping function.

Before Grouping (looks a little spotty because I have only certain Machine #s filtered) 158_279398ed2a02ac82f36c306efe908e42.jpg
After Grouping 158_a1833a9ae12c39fc52cdab251bc64c47.jpg
Hope this helps you do more with the variables you'd already be collecting 😃
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