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Zeiss Vast Xt drives not connecting & Head Locked


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Hi, we have a Zeiss Vast XT and the drives are not connecting and it seems like the head might be locked in its position, this happened when the Zeiss was going into its home position.
Anyone have any tips to get the drives back on.
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(Gotta ask the intelligence insulting questions first, sorry!) 😃

First thing that comes to mind is did you accidentally knock feed rate knob on the controller all the way down?
This would inhibit not only XYZ travel but swivel movement as you describe
(I've been stuck like this without realizing it longer and for more times then I would like to admit. 🙄 )

or does it specifically say drives not connected?

Traffic light green?

You've rebooted/resynced? Results?
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Might check to make sure your not on a limit switch. I have had the Z all way up and had to pull it down manually to get it off the limit switches.

Just a thought
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The head on Vast XT will not move its locked in, I also tried to hold down the small button on right side inside of top shaft to unlock, but no luck.
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Sounds like it traveled past its limits. I always try to move it in the XY&Z positions then retry turning on drives. if not probably head replacement time.
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