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Disable post-measurement travel moves for Autorun


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Is it possible to configure an Autorun interface to ignore defined CNC end park moves in a measurement plan? We use these moves to allow operators to access parts during single runs, but when we palletize the parts then we run the risk of that park move crashing into the stylus racks. When the pallet is set up it would be much better if the park move was treated as if it didn't exist, instead just coming up to +Z and moving on to the next part.
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When you do your end park position, don't do XY&Z point, use the MK icon.
The MK icon is a move point relative to machine coordinates, not from the base alignment.
So no matter where you run your part the end park will always return to the same position.

Just move your probe where you want it to go, click the MK icon and it'll read the position.
Put a +Z move in front of it so you move to clearance plane first, then move to park position.


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Programs are run on a Contura 7/7/6 *and* a DuraMax 5/5/5. They all share the same pallet setup, but its location relative to the machine origin is different.
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The MK button is in relative to the MasterProbe in the Machine Coordinate.

This should still work for you as long as you have the MasterProbe in the same general area (back left).

With it being a pallet though, you may not want it always going to the end-stop position at the end of every run. You probably only want it to do that at the end of the pallet. In which you will probably need the likes of PCM to accomplish that.
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If you have an end park and a pallet it will move to the end park between each part. If you have PCM you can set it to only home after the pallets is done. Even if you have used MK it will still end park between each part without PCM.
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Ultimately my goal was to get a pallet to never go to the end park location at all. The specifics of the layouts of our work plates are such that the rearmost pallet locations are too far back to allow the park moves that we typically employ, and requiring the operator to manually jockey the probe head away from a pallet after 10 or 12 parts isn't a big deal. Ignoring end park position would have been the easiest solution. Unfortunately, I can't justify the cost of 6 PCM licenses for one use case.

I guess I can make my end park travel moves more vertical instead. Larger vertical clearance at the expense of horizontal clearance will still give single parts the space an operator needs to swap in a new piece, and it would keep the mast from crashing into the stylus racks during a pallet run.
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I can't turn end park off because that's a permanent change to the underlying inspection plan. These plans are run in Calypso proper for the most part, with palletized Autorun interfaces used for studies and such. That means single part operation is the norm, and that means end park positions so the machine operators don't break a stylus when removing the part from the normal fixture plate. Programs are stored and accessed on the network (yes, that's its own set of problems) so turning it off for Autorun will leave it off for everyone, until it's manually changed back. Having single-part operators toggle it on temporarily is an option, but the less settings they get into, the better.
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Ok so you want it off when running a pallet, but on when running the single Measurment Plan. You could make two separate programs. One for the pallet and one for single runs. You could even run them both out of AutoRun on the same dashboard. Run a pallet on one and a single one that has the end park position. Auto run is really set up for operators to simply run Measurement plans. Its not just for palletizing.
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In the short term, I'll probably just make copies for the palletized setups. I know that Autorun is really what we should be using to begin with, I just don't have the time to work out the kinks, get everything switched over, write training material, etc.

Thank for the advice!
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  • 3 months later...
OK, so this is a big old thread bump, but just for closure's sake I stumbled upon the solution I initially wanted today. I managed to get Calypso to automatically ignore the +Y clearance move that was originally causer for concern with the condition 'actCalypsoWindowName()=="Automatic Run"' applied to it. Yes skips the +Y move, no doesn't. Now, the single-part operators running in the Calypso environment get their +Y clearance for part access, and the pallet operators in Autorun don't. The best part is this doesn't require a PCM license for me to use, so everybody is happy now.
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